Amfanin Gwandar Daji Wurin Karin Ni'ima Da Gyaran Jiki (sugar apple or sweetsop):

Amfanin Gwandar Daji Wurin Karin Ni'ima Da Gyaran Jiki (sugar apple or sweetsop): 

shan gwandan daji na bada gwadammawa wajan gyaran fata da kuma gashin kai sakamakon sinadaran vitamins da minerals din da ke cikin sa, haka kuma yana karawa macce ni'ima domin yana gyara duk wanin sakon farjin macce.

 yana dauke da sinadaran minerals da vitamins wanda suke da mutukar amfani a jiki kamar irinsu

Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Vitamin C, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, potassium da magnesium. sannan kuma bayan wa'innan Gwandan daji na dauke da carbohydrates, protein, da dietary fiber Wanda duk suna da mutukar amfani a cikin cikin dan Adam.

shan gwandan daji na bada gwadammawa wajan gyaran fata da kuma gashin kai sakamakon sinadaran vitamins da minerals din da ke cikin sa, haka kuma yana karawa macce ni'ima domin yana gyara duk wanin sakon farjin macce.

Yawan shan gwandan daji na taimakawa wajan:

•- Bada kariya daga kunar rana (sunburn).

•- Magance kurajen fuska.

•- Hana tsufar fata.

•- Magance Cancer.

•- Magance tsufa da lalacewar fata.

•- Kara Kwari da lafiyar fata.

•- Magance tabbai.

•- Magance cututukan fata da duk wasu skin infections kamar irinsu kyabsi, kuraje da duk wasu matsalolin fata.

Za'a iya shafa shi a fuska a matsayin face mask: ki jajjaga gwandan daji sai ki hada da Zuma sai ki shafa a fuska na tsawon 5-10 minutes sai ki wanke. fuskarki zatai kyau zai miki maganin tsufa kuma zai bawa skin dinki kariya.

Sannan kuma ana shafa sweetsop seeds oil a gashi domin:

•- Moisturising gashi.

•- Sa gashi tsansi & shiny.

•- Kariya daga cututukan fatan kai.

•- magance zubewar gashi.

•- Sa tsawon gashi.

•- Magance dandruff.

•- Hana saurin yin furfura.

10 Health Benefits of Sweetsop (Sugar-apple):

The sugar-apple is a relative of the soursop (guyabano). It is smaller in size and has no soft spikes. Like the soursop it also has sweet, delicious and creamy white flesh and black seeds. The taste is described as a cross between a pear and a coconut. Sugar-apple is one of the fruits that contain protein.

1. Helps prevent asthma (Vitamin C – 151%)

If you’re suffering from asthma, sugar-apple may be good for you. Eating sugar-apple can supply an excellent amount of vitamin C, one of the potent anti-oxidants which may help decrease the risk of developing asthma, a common airway inflammation.2. Helps control sugar levels (Fiber – 44%)

Two sugar-apples can provide over half of the DV of fiber. Dietary fiber has shown to slow down the absorption of sugar in the body and a high fiber diet has been linked with a lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

3. Keeps the heart healthy (Vitamin B6 – 25%)

How can the sugar-apple apple be heart-friendly? Through its rich vitamin B6 content. This B vitamin has been found to prevent homocystein build-up. A high level of this amino acid in the blood is associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

4. Lowers blood pressure levels (Potassium – 18%)

It is also rich in potassium, the mineral known to regulate blood pressure levels by controlling the effects of sodium in the body.

5. Helps the body produce energy (Thiamin – 18%)

Feeling a little tired? Sugar-apple is a good source of thiamin, a nutrient which helps sugar turn into energy.

6. Maintains supply of other B vitamins in the body (Riboflavin -17%)

One of the important roles of riboflavin in the body is to see to it that the body has all the other needed B vitamins. The B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins which are essential for growth, development and other important bodily functions.

7. Keeps bones strong (Magnesium – 13%)

Magnesium is now one of the minerals added in bone strengthening supplements as they have proven to be effective together with calcium in increasing bone density and keeping the bones strong. Nuts, legumes and leafy greens are some of the highest sources of magnesium.

8. Helps lower cholesterol levels (Niacin – 11%)

Sweetsop is packed with is niacin, a B vitamin which has been found to be effective in increasing the good cholesterol in the body.

9. Helps maintain thyroid health (Copper – 11%)

Sugar-apple contains a good amount of copper, a trace mineral that is important for the production of the thyroid hormone called thyroxine.

10. Help prevent pregnancy problems (Folate – 9%)

Did you know that folate is one of the B vitamins? It is also called vitamin B9. Folate is best known for its very important role in conception especially in preventing neural tube problems for the baby. Folate rich fruits include avocados, guavas and papayas.


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