Nau'ukan Abinci Biyar DaKe Rage Kiba Kuma Su Kara Lafia Ga Jikin Mace Healthy Options: These Are The Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

 Nau'ukan Abinci Biyar DaKe Rage Kiba Kuma Su Kara Lafia Ga Jikin Mace Healthy Options: These Are The Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes have high carbs, so if dieters avoid them when trying to lose weight. But that shouldn’t be the case. Potatoes might have high carbs, but it is also composed of essential vitamins, fiber, and resistant starch. The difference between resistant starch and regular starch is that it has twice lesser calories. You can have 2 instead of 4 calories per gram. You will eat fewer calories when resistant starch is added to your meals.

Whole Eggs

Another food that has been wrongly hated in the past is eggs. As it turns out, eggs are very nutritious and have all the important amino acids. Just the yolk alone contains the essential nutrients and most of the protein in an egg. You can find all the nine amino acids in eggs and they are quite filling.

Whole Eggs


Another common food you can find in every kitchen is oatmeal. We usually eat it for breakfast because it’s filing. It also comes third on our satiety scale. The reason for its filling ability is its high fiber content, making it able to absorb water.




Let’s talk about legumes. Beans, peas, and lentils are examples of legumes that are high in fiber and protein. This makes it great for managing hunger, combined with the fact that it’s low-energy-dense too. Not only will it help you lose weight, but it will satisfy your hunger.




You can’t have a balanced diet without apples. Research says that eating fruits is linked to a minimized calorie consumption and over some time, it can help you lose or manage your weight. For one, they have a high satiety index. Eating just one apple can make you feel full because of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that naturally delays digestion. Moreover, apples are more than 85% water, which adds mass and satiation without more calories!



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