The Story Of Old Kannywood klabtocracy Actress Mansura Isah


The short Story About An Actres Mansura Isah The Great Actress Of Kannywood.

Mansura is an integer and interligent actress since 2007 before she got married with the Kannywood klabtocracy Sani Musa Danja. In that time Sani Musa Danja and Mansura Isah become a husband and wife in another film called BIL ADAMA. The film is really intertain their fans. After that Mansura Isah play a different roles in many different Kannywood films such as GURNANI, ZAZZABI, FARIN WATA, JAMILA, TURAKA, YAN MATA, JARUMAI and so on.

After that the interlectual actress Mansura Isah become a Kannywood film scripture and also she write many film which really intertain her fans. In that time there's no any actress whose play a good role more than Mansura Isah. 

Fitacciyar Jarumar Kannywood Hadiza Gabon Ta Fada Hannun Hukuma 

In that case Mansura Isah retirement in Kannywood and she got married with her first boy friend the miracle of Kannywood, Sani Musa Danja. Mansura and her husband Sani Musa Danja they take many times in their marriage life where their loard reward them with many childrens. She born many childrens with her husband Sani Musa Danja. They have 1 to 6 children which are 1, Khadija, Yusuf, Khalipha and Yakub.

The Kannywood klabtocracy actress in Kannywood is living in Kano State also she studied from primary to university both in Kano state. 

She have one sister Maryam Isah which is also Known as Maryam Ceeter. Maryam Ceeter play a good role in different films, but yet now she don't play like Mansura Isah.

But now Mansura Isah is not with her husband she is divorce but yet now she want to be married as she said, she will got marry if she found the good man who will love her and take care with her.

As she said being divorcee is not by her intended it just a destiny which nobody will across it. As Dan Jarida ask her what she is doing to make money for defending herself she replied to Business. That mean the great and role model of some woman Mansura Isah is great Business Women 

There's many men who love to marry Mansura Isah but yet now she don't give a chance to any one of them.

After all of that the finally Dan Jarida ask her which advice she will give to her follow, sister and brothers about marriage life. The role model replied to being all tolerating is the best key to stay in good in marriage life . As she said there's no good condition whose above marriage life but to the person who will be all tolerating and to the one who will really take care with his wife or her husband.

Naziru Sarkin Waka yayi magana akan Buhari wacce ta jawo ka-ce-na-ce 

What is your favorite food? Dan Jarida ask her and she replied Rice and beans. What kind of food will help the groom and bride, she replied to Wheat or any cultivate cereal crop used as a food it's among the food that is used for increasing the ladies breast, grains is a good food to any body it's food for increasing breast to the rounded and fuller.

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